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How to Setup a Lavalink Server on Ubuntu 20.04 using Docker-Compose


:   Alexander

Server Requirements

I've noticed CPU usage tends to be fairly high once you have more than a few concurrent streams happening at the same time, so if you're planning on running a public node (such as the nodes found on then you'll either want more than 1 vCPU or a high frequency vCPU such as an 11th GEN or higher Intel Core or the equivilent Ryzen. 1GB+ of RAM is recommended aswell as 10GB of disk space.

Step 1 - Install docker & docker-compose

Firstly update your system, on Debian you can use the below command.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt upgrade
Then install docker if it's not already installed, I use typically use the docker install script found at
curl -fsSL -o
After the script is complete, install docker-compose.
sudo apt install docker-compose

Step 2 - Setup your docker-compose file

Create a directory called "lavalink" a file called "docker-compose.yml" within that directory.

mkdir lavalink
cd lavalink
nano docker-compose.yml
Within that file, paste the following, adjust it to your needs.
version: "3"


    image: fredboat/lavalink:dev
    container_name: lavalink
      - "8000:8000"
    hostname: lavalink
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /root/lavalink/application.yml:/opt/Lavalink/application.yml:ro
Save the docker-compose file & create another one in the same directory called 'application.yml'. You'll want to paste the below into that file, besure to adjust it to your needs, mainly the password & port fields then save the file.
server: # REST and WS server
  port: 8000
    password: "yourpasswordhere"
      youtube: true
      bandcamp: true
      soundcloud: true
      twitch: true
      vimeo: true
      http: true
      local: false
    bufferDurationMs: 400 # The duration of the NAS buffer. Higher values fare better against longer GC pauses. Minimum o>    frameBufferDurationMs: 5000 # How many milliseconds of audio to keep buffered
    opusEncodingQuality: 10 # Opus encoder quality. Valid values range from 0 to 10, where 10 is best quality but is the >    resamplingQuality: LOW # Quality of resampling operations. Valid values are LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH, where HIGH uses the>    trackStuckThresholdMs: 10000 # The threshold f>
    youtubeSearchEnabled: true
    soundcloudSearchEnabled: true
    gc-warnings: true
      #ipBlocks: ["", "..."] # list of ip blocks
      #excludedIps: ["...", "..."] # ips which should be explicit excluded from usage by lavalink
      #strategy: "RotateOnBan" # RotateOnBan | LoadBalance | NanoSwitch | RotatingNanoSwitch
      #searchTriggersFail: true # Whether a search 429 should trigger marking the ip as failing
      #retryLimit: -1 # -1 = use default lavaplayer value | 0 = infinity | >0 = retry will happen this numbers times
    #youtubeConfig: # Required for avoiding all age restrictions by YouTube, some restricted videos still can be played w>
      #email: "" # Email of Google account
      #password: "" # Password of Google account
    #httpConfig: # Useful for blocking bad-actors from ip-grabbing your music node and attacking it, this way only the ht>
      #proxyHost: "localhost" # Hostname of the proxy, (ip or domain)
      #proxyPort: 3128 # Proxy port, 3128 is the default for squidProxy
      #proxyUser: "" # Optional user for basic authentication fields, leave blank if you don't use basic auth
      #proxyPassword: "" # Password for basic authentication

    enabled: false
    endpoint: /metrics

  dsn: ""
  environment: ""
#  tags:
#    some_key: some_value
#    another_key: another_value

    path: ./logs/

    root: INFO
    lavalink: INFO

      max-file-size: 1GB
      max-history: 30

Step 3 - Starting the server

Once the application.yml file is created you should be ready to go, run the docker-compose up command & detach the instance with the -d flag.

docker-compose up -d
You should now be able to connect to your new Lavalink server with the public IP address of your server on port 8000. If you experience issues with connecting to the node, try running the docker-compose command without the -d flag to view logs & the docker console.